Here are some home remedies that might bring relief

ALMOST everyone has experienced the agony of tension headaches. But it doesn’t mean the world comes to a halt when pain strikes. Migraine management is difficult, but it is doable, especially if you practise basic self-care techniques. Prescription medications may be effective, but just taking care of yourself can also help prevent a pounding headache. Find the self-care practises that work best for you in order to satisfy your requirements while minimising the disturbances to your life that migraines can create.


Finding time for meditation practise on a daily basis, like deep breathing, may not only help your mind and body reset after a migraine episode, but it may also help to prevent another one from developing in the future. It is more important to maintain a consistent meditation practise than increase the amount of time spent meditating. Get some deep breathing and visualisation going, and you will be doing yourself a world of good.

Take a walk

Even if you wanted to, you really can not work out while suffering from a tension headache or migraine assault. In reality, even light physical exertion, such as going up the stairs, might aggravate headaches. But once you have gotten through the worst of it and the headaches, nausea, and other incapacitating symptoms have faded, go ahead and take a leisurely walk around the block. When it comes to migraine prevention, the most important factor is to incorporate regular physical activities into your daily routine. Being in nature lowers your stress hormones, so you will feel better by getting some clean air.

Eat a healthy diet

Eating a nutritious diet is generally a good idea, but it might be especially crucial for those who suffer from chronic migraine. You may already be aware of which foods cause migraine episodes in you, so avoid them. Meats, fermented soy products are frequently on the list of migraine trigger foods to avoid. Furthermore, avoid the urge to skip a meal. When you skip a meal, you may unintentionally trigger a migraine.

Apply a warm/cold compress

Apply a warm or cold compress at the back of your neck. A cold compress can numb the skin. It diverts the brain’s attention away from the migraine. It activates other nerve terminals in the area where the compress is applied. Keep a cloth between your body and the ice pack to protect your skin, and if you use a commercial cold pack, make sure there are no leaks where chemicals could escape and potentially harm your eyes. Some people, however, may prefer a warm compress. Heat can aid in the relaxation of tight muscles. You could also take a warm bath or shower.

Get some sleep

When the first indications of a migraine arise, lying down and having a sleep might be a helpful plan. Getting a good night’s sleep every night, on the other hand, is a crucial approach to take care of yourself and remove sleep deprivation as a headache cause. Make and follow a consistent sleep schedule even on weekends and holidays. Make your bedroom a quiet, peaceful haven where you can truly relax.

Avoid medication overuse

Medication usage is a prevalent issue among migraine sufferers, especially chronic migraine sufferers. When you take some types of acute medicine to manage headache pain too frequently, you end up with additional headaches. These medication-overuse headaches, also known as rebound headaches, can be excruciatingly painful and trigger accompanying symptoms such as nausea, irritation, anxiety, and uneasiness. If you are routinely taking acute medications and getting these headaches, talk to your doctor about how to quit safely and efficiently. A preventive medicine may be preferable.

Give yourself a break

Ultimately, the value of practising self-compassion cannot be overstated. If those of us who suffer from migraine can remove the negative feelings and emotions with the disease and reinterpret them through a humane lens just as we would care for loved one, perhaps we can bring some chance to those of us who suffer from migraine and find ways to manage its impact on our lives.

Consistency is key

Self-care is paying attention to how you fuel your body through the day. Avoid missing meals, remain hydrated with non-caffeinated liquids especially water, and practise obtaining a constant amount of sleep, even on weekends. Consistency is the key here. The migraine brain is extremely sensitive to changes. Consistency may reduce the likelihood of an assault.

A self-care practice may not occur overnight, but little efforts toward self-acceptance, more activity, and stress reduction can help. As a result, you will be able to better manage your migraine headaches.

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