Here are some ways to help guide you through the process of healing

WE understand how difficult and perplexing it is when someone breaks your heart. Sadness indicates that you were honest and cared deeply about your relationship. It will take time to recover, but there are many things you can do to cope. Because most of our frail hearts have gaps, getting your heart crushed is a terrible thing. There are wounds, some of which have completely healed, some of which have scabbed over, and others of which remain open. However, because it has been fractured into a million tiny bits, light may pass through your heart. You are not broken. I understand that it hurts, but it is through that pain that you may begin to form fundamental connections with yourself and others that were previously unimaginable.

$!Getting over a heartbreak takes time and positive thinking. – 123RF

Acceptance is the first step

Acceptance and understanding of things as they are is the first step in getting over a break-up. Accept that your relationship with someone you cared about has ended and that it is time to move on. It may be painful to hear this, but stop dreaming about getting back together, or that this is just a phase, or that you are on a short break. How else do you move on if you have a mindset that your partner’s aspirations are returning? If you believe you have done all you can to repair the relationship but it still failed, attempt to accept the circumstance. It won’t be simple; you can deny it for a while, but as days pass, you should strive to accept it.


Forgiveness is not about absolving the other person of responsibility. Forgiveness is intended for you. In truth, the definition of forgiveness is to let go of one’s wrath or resentment against someone who has done something wrong. Most of the time, if a relationship doesn’t work out, it’s because the two people aren’t a good fit. We will be able to see it and move on if we came from a place of complete self-esteem. However, in a relationship, we frequently experience a sense of excitement with someone for reasons we cannot comprehend. They stem from deeply ingrained views you had as a teenager, and that individual caused a hurt or anguish within you. Don’t let your hurt and fury become your legacy. By forgiving, you release yourself from the bonds that tie you and allow yourself to have a happier life with the person you were intended to be with. Write a letter of apology, say a prayer, or declare your commitment to forgive.

$!Allow yourself to be appreciative of pleasant memories as you move on to something better. – FLICKR

Appreciate the good memories

Even though your relationship ended on a poor note, chances are it was not entirely negative. It’s natural to reflect on what was wonderful about it, and you may discover that you miss specific aspects of your ex and the affection you had. At the same time, you may be swamped by the empty space left after a relationship ends, or you may carry animosity at the events that led to the partnership’s demise. Riding out these emotional ups and downs is a necessary part of healing. Allow yourself to be appreciative when a pleasant memory arises.

Do not avoid the pain

Avoiding the grief after a heartbreak is the worst thing you can do. Suppression is a maladaptive protective technique in which a person blocks or avoids heartache. Face your suffering, weep, vent, and don’t hide your emotions. The more you cry, the faster you’ll recover from your grief. It may sting to recollect the good times. You may cry if you see some of your ex’s images. That is very natural for everyone, and it is not a sign of weakness. It’s a bold move forward.

Avoid going after a rebound

There’s a reason they’re boring and predictable: rebounds provide a rapid lift that briefly makes you feel beautiful or worthwhile. However, once the high wears off, you might feel guilty. When you make rash actions, such as plunging blindly into another relationship, it suggests you’re looking for a solution to avoid the harsh feelings that come with losing someone you care about. Recognise the pain and accept that being responsible entails coping with it. Be prepared to go through the pain.

$!A fresh start ... reinvent yourself and rebuild your self esteem. – 123RF

Build your self-esteem

If your partner instigated the break-up, it’s natural to begin scrutinising your physical features and personality aspects, wondering what it is that is lacking in you that would lead someone to fall out of love with you. Reverse that mental process instead. Concentrate on what you truly value about yourself and what you gave to the relationship, rather than what attributes you lack. Make a list of character qualities, emotional strengths, skill sets, abilities, and any other attribute that adds value to a relationship. If you’re stuck for ideas, turn to your family and closest friends, who will gladly reveal all the reasons they consider themselves blessed to have you in their life.

Trust the process

Your life is a process. A lovely, elegant blossoming of possibilities and potential. Relationships are an important component of our mission-to love and be loved. Some love relationships are not designed to endure a lifetime. Be grateful for the opportunity. Every event helps you become the person you were born to be.

The key to getting over a breakup is within yourself. A breakup can leave you feeling unhappy and alone, regardless of who made the choice to end the relationship. It is common to experience a range of emotions following a breakup, especially if it was unexpected. Remember that it’s okay to feel bad for a while. Allow yourself time to digest the relationship’s end and exercise self-compassion. If you find yourself going down the same road with the same kind of guys or women, commit to identifying and fixing your habits. Keep hope that you will discover great soul-level love. You deserve it. Sending love.