13 alcoholic drinks perfect for camping without refrigeration

CAMPING is a wonderful outdoor activity that allows you to connect with nature and unwind from the hustle and bustle of daily life. While enjoying the great outdoors, it is only natural for some campers to want to indulge in a refreshing alcoholic beverage. However, when you are camping, you may not always have access to a fridge to keep your drinks cold. But fear not! There are plenty of delicious alcoholic drinks that are perfect for camping and do not require refrigeration.

Here are 13 perfect options:

Canned beer

Perhaps the most obvious choice, canned beer is a camping staple. Opt for your favourite brew in cans instead of bottles, as cans are easier to transport and would not break if dropped. Plus, beer does not need to be kept cold to remain enjoyable, making it ideal for camping trips. If the camp site is near a cold stream, just pack the cans in a net and submerge for cool refreshing brew.

$!Canned beer. – PICS BY PINTEREST

Vodka and juice

Pack a bottle of vodka along with your favourite fruit juice for a simple and refreshing camping cocktail. Vodka mixes well with a variety of juices, such as orange, cranberry, or pineapple and does not need to be kept cold.


Whip up a batch of refreshing sangria before you leave for your camping trip and store it in a large, sealable container. Sangria is made with wine, fruit and a splash of brandy, and tastes delicious whether served cold or at room temperature.

$!Hard cider. – PINTERESTPIC

Hard cider

Hard cider is a delicious alternative to beer and is often available in cans or bottles that do not require refrigeration. Choose a dry cider for a crisp, refreshing taste that sets the mood perfectly for an outdoor adventure.

Boxed wine

Boxed wine was quite possibly conceived for this very specific scenario. It is ideal for camping because it is lightweight, unbreakable and does not require refrigeration. Choose a quality boxed wine, such as smooth Merlot, and enjoy sipping by the campfire.

$!Flask of whisky. – PEXELSPIC

Canned cocktails

Many companies now offer canned cocktails that are perfect for camping. From classic margaritas to refreshing gin and tonics, these pre-mixed cocktails come in portable cans and are ready to drink straight from the cooler or at room temperature.

Flask of whisky

Whisky is a classic choice for campers looking to unwind after a day of outdoor adventures. Bring along a flask filled with your favourite whisky and enjoy it neat or mixed with a splash of water or soda. Sip, lie back and just take in the surroundings as the whisky warm the cockles of your heart.

$!Rum and coke. – PEXELSPIC

Rum and coke

Pre-mix a batch of rum and cola in a reusable bottle before you head out on your camping trip. This classic cocktail is easy to make and does not require refrigeration, making it a great option for enjoying around the campfire. Conversely, you can freeze the mixture into a solid block inside the container and enjoy it as the liquid slowly melts through the day.

Homemade infusions

Get creative and make your own infused spirits before your camping trip. Simply add fruits, herbs, or spices to a bottle of vodka or rum and let it sit for a few days to develop flavour. Strain out the solids before you go camping, and you will have a delicious homemade infusion to enjoy on your trip.

$!Vodka and juice. – PEXELSPIC

Tequila shots

Tequila is a camping favourite thanks to its versatility and smooth taste. Pack a bottle of tequila along with some lime wedges and salt for a classic camping shot that will warm you up on chilly nights. This is a favourite as shooters, especially when campers pass the time with drinking games.

Mulled wine

Perfect for chilly nights around the campfire, mulled wine is a warm and comforting drink. Simply heat up a bottle of red wine with spices like cinnamon, cloves and orange peel for a cosy camping treat.


Hot toddy

When the temperature drops, a hot toddy is just the thing to warm you up. Pack a bottle of whisky, along with some honey, lemon, and tea bags, and you will have everything you need to make this classic cold-weather cocktail without the need for refrigeration.

Campfire coffee with a kick

Upgrade your morning coffee by adding a splash of your favourite spirit. Whether it is Irish whisky, flavoured liqueur, or even spiced rum, a little bit of alcohol can turn your campfire coffee into a delightful pick-me-up that is sure to start your day off right.

$!Sangria. – PEXELSPIC

Just because you are camping does not mean you have to sacrifice enjoying a refreshing alcoholic beverage. With these refreshing options, you can indulge in delicious drinks without the need for refrigeration. So grab your favourite drink, sit back and relax as you take in the beauty of the great outdoors. Cheers!