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KOTA BHARU: The Sultan of Kelantan Sultan Muhammad V has expressed hope that the Covid-19 vaccination for members of the public, especially the people of Kelantan, can be expedited.

Comptroller of the Royal Household Datuk Tengku Azmi Tengku Jaafar said Sultan Muhammad V hoped that the Kelantanese to achieve herd immunity so that they could go out again and earn a living.

He said that Sultan Muhammad V was very happy to see more Kelantanese have registered for the vaccination.

“At the same time, he also understands the constraints faced by the people where some have to wait too long to get a vaccination appointment date through the MySejahtera application.

“His Royal Highness’ concern is clearly demonstrated through his decree that Istana Balai Besar continues to be open to the people to receive COVID-19 vaccination,” he said when met by reporters at the Istana Balai Besar compound here today.

Earlier, he presented food baskets donated by Sultan Muhammad V and the Tengku Mahkota of Kelantan Dr Tengku Muhammad Faiz Petra to all districts’ officers, for distributions to selected individuals adversely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The donation involves a total of 1,600 food baskets that will be distributed to 10 districts, including 100 baskets for Lojing.

Meanwhile, Tengku Azmi said until today, a total of 3,386 people had received the vaccine and another 1,800 people would receive the shots, starting today until Aug 19, under the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme at Istana Balai Besar, organised by the Office of the Sultan of Kelantan.

He added that the selected recipients are of those who registered through the Office of the Sultan of Kelantan as well as passed the Ministry of Health’s screening and walk-in registration would not be accepted to prevent crowding.

He said Sultan Muhammad V and Tengku Muhammad Faiz Petra also expressed their appreciation to all frontliners who sacrificed their time and energy to ensure that Malaysia, particularly Kelantan, free from the spread of Covid-19 infection.

Their Royal Highnesses also prayed that the frontliners who have been working tirelessly, be given the strength by Allah to continue this fight (against the pandemic), he said.-Bernama