Man’s viral tweet on virginity backfires

IN A society where a woman’s value and virtue is based on her virginity, the following viral post on Twitter is scarily common.

A man submitted a question to a popular Twitter account @twt_cinta anonymously and asked netizens how he could convince his girlfriend to have pre-marital sex with him.

He started off by saying his relationship with his girlfriend was ‘clean’ and they did nothing sexually together.

Describing himself as “someone who is the naughty type,” he has tried to do naughty things with her. She has pushed away his advances, an indication that she didn’t appreciate that kind of attention.

One day, they ended up in what sounded like a vacation where he booked separate rooms for himself and his girlfriend.

When he went over to his room to get something, he said they ended up in a make out session.

However, the girlfriend regretted it the next day and apologized profusely. She said he was too addicted to sex and she wasn’t comfortable with that.

After that incident, he said she seemed gradually more open-minded about the idea of premarital sex.

Due to her gradual openness, he was worried that she wasn’t a virgin. He asked netizens for ways to check if his girlfriend was touched by another man.

He said he’s ok if he’s her first but he can’t accept it if she is not a virgin.

Seeing the contradiction in the man’s statement, netizens quickly condemned him.

@Uglypiee wrote “Jahat ke baik ke , ada dara ke takda dara ke , macammana kita itulah yang kita akan dapat . Sentuh orang sana sini lepastu nak yang suci ? Hahahahahahahahaa (Good or bad, virgin or not, what we reap is what we sow. You intend to commit sin but expect someone virtuous?)”

“Inilah yang spesies babi yee anak anak. Nak yang baik macam malaikat. Tapi diri sendiri rosakkan anak dara orang (This is the species we call pig, kids. Want someone good like an angel yet they ruin someone’s virginity” tweeted @RozlyndaJohari.

“That why aku takut gila dengan lelaki (That’s why I’m afraid of men)” @laily_hazirah wrote the thought that crossed every girl’s mind before.

Let’s hope everyone can see how ridiculous the issue was and tying a woman’s value to her virginity.