VARIOUS benefits can come from a healthy diet. Numerous studies have shown that adopting a well-balanced diet can not only promote healthy growth but also prevent long term diseases. However, coming up with one can sometimes be tricky given the limited number of choices.

In fact, many of the options from popular diets do not resemble any of the five food groups in the food pyramid. Hence, it is crucial to be aware of what constitutes a healthful and nutritious diet for attaining maximum health benefits.

If you are not familiar with them, fear not as we at BUZZ have compiled a shortlist of some of the healthiest and most nutritious food out there!

1. Green Salad

Yes, we are talking about fresh green salads! The leafy green vegetables are not only rich in nutrients like Vitamin A and Vitamin C, but they are also low in cholesterol, calories and sodium. Thus, making them the perfect healthy dish!

And consuming them regularly would help you lose weight, give you better skin and even reduce your risk of getting cancer and heart diseases.

$!Apples are rich in anti-oxidants. — SUPAEXPORT

2. Fresh apples

As the classic saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. This saying sure rings true given the tremendous benefits one can attain from eating an apple. Indeed, these bad boys are rich in fibre, vitamin C, and anti-oxidants.

But its anti-oxidant properties in particular have made it a favourite among many. The anti-oxidants are useful in combating the harmful radicals that our bodies generate.

$!Brazil nuts are among the main source for the mineral selenium. – ISTOCK

3. Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts, also known as the Bertholletia excelsa, are among the best sources of the mineral selenium. Aside from protein and carbohydrates, the Brazil is most sought after for its selenium. The mineral is instrumental in producing thyroid hormones, which are necessary to generate energy and keep vital organs functioning.

4. Oatmeal

Often consumed for breakfast, oatmeal is an excellent source of beta-glucans. The soluble fibre helps lower cholesterol levels and produce healthy bacteria in the gut. What’s more, it is very easy to consume oats as they come in various shapes and sizes.

You can have it as a pocket-size package, in big boxes, cereal box size, or even in a can! Oatmeal also comes in two forms – plain rolled oats and steel-cut oats.

$!Sweet potatoes are considered to be healthier than regular potatoes. – ISTOCK

5. Sweet Potatoes

The last healthful item on our list is the nutritious sweet potato. Savoured for its starchy taste, the sweet potato is loaded with dietary fibre, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, and complex carbohydrate content. But unlike its cousin, the regular potato, the sweet potato is orange inside.

And though both options are considered healthy, sweet potatoes are preferred due to their rich beta carotene and Vitamin A.