KUALA LUMPUR: With the advance of medical technology, easier methods are now available for patients to consult health experts. One such method is the CariDoctor-Electronic Prescription Service (CariDoctor), a one-stop solution launched yesterday by the Caring Pharmacy Group to meet public healthcare needs.

Through the platform, a pharmacist contacts available doctors on behalf of patients who require consultation for minor illnesses such as headaches, rashes and skin infections. This allows them to obtain seamless professional advice and medical prescriptions from registered doctors.

Caring Pharmacy chief pharmacist Wong Hooi Fen said CariDoctor complements a physical consultation and is not meant to totally replace a visit to the doctor.

“Telemedicine has been booming since the start of Covid-19, when the industry developed hybrid consultation services. This will not replace physical consultation but only complements it.

“A patient can reduce the time it takes to obtain medical prescriptions from doctors and go to the pharmacy to buy them,” she told theSun.

“With CariDoctor, which is available at all our pharmacies nationwide, the public can get access to immediate medical consultation for minor illnesses.”

Caring Pharmacy marketing director Loo Jooi Leng said CariDoctor has been tested in a number of Caring outlets since June and some 1,000 individuals have registered with the platform.

“With the nationwide launch of CariDoctor in all Caring pharmacies today, we are projecting more people to use the platform and with that, there will be more doctors available to cater to the high number of (participants). Currently, we have no fixed number of partner doctors,” he said.

Pharmacy practice manager Lee Yean Ling said it would take some time for the public to adapt to technological advancements but over time, they will get used to it.

“Go to the nearest Caring Pharmacy and try it for free. We will have our pharmacists guide you on how to use the platform and eventually, you will get the hang of it,”
she said.

Caring Pharmacy group managing director Chong Yeow Siang said: “The CariDoctor platform will promote good health practices. We are constantly innovating to offer superior services that can aid a large number of people in terms of medical advice, convenience, quality, cost and reliability.”

CariDoctor was launched in conjunction with World Pharmacists Day, which falls on Sept 25. The service is available at all Caring Pharmacy outlets and selected Georgetown Pharmacy and Wellings Pharmacy stores nationwide.

To celebrate World Pharmacists Day, the Caring Pharmacy group is promoting better health and lifestyle by offering health checks (blood pressure, glucose and cholesterol), Jom Kurang Manis diabetes counselling service, Eat Well Stay Fit weight management service and asthma counselling service at all its outlets nationwide.