I REFER to “No to race politics” by Muhammad Yusry of theSun yesterday.

Prof Datuk Dr Jeniri Amir’s firm advice that GE15 voters reject politicians who use race politics for short-term gains must be heeded by all Malaysians.

Candidates or politicians who seek to promote their race while humiliating other ethnic or racial groups are using the same negative “divide and rule” strategy that our British colonial masters inflicted on, then, Malaya.

Indeed, every vote matters in GE15. Equally important is the civic responsibility to vote wisely.

Voting wisely is about not voting for politicians who seek a “divide and rule” approach.

Note that our independence in 1957 was secured by leaders of our three major races, uniting with their wise plan to bring about unity and harmony in the country.

Their vision, as reflected in our Constitution, strives for our country to become a melting pot of different cultures and races together.

Different ethnic groups practising and sharing their cultures and respecting our common values will help build a united and strong Malaysia.

In assessing politicians and party campaigns, voters should look at how they approach key issues of economic, social and religious concerns that can be used to divide our people.

Concerns at stake include that all races should have equal opportunities to further their public tertiary studies and course selection must be based on merit.

Education at levels must focus on practical and strong academic outcomes and not be influenced by political or religious agendas.

Wealth differences among and within races must be properly addressed to reduce the undesirable effects of any marginalisation.

Shared prosperity for all Malaysians means our economic policies must be strictly needs-based.

Voters must keep in mind that politicians or parties that harp on race and religion to create division and animosity cannot be the pathway to the creation of a stable and prosperous Malaysia.

So, please vote wisely to install a government that will implement major reforms, to help our country and all our people have a better, fairer and socially harmonious future.

Sze Loong Steve Ngeow
