A WOMAN in Beaufort, Sabah, Fatasha Nadia, decided to put the age-old saying “it’s hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk” to the test.

She used a wok, an egg, and the scorching heat from the blazing sun to fry an egg.

According to her Facebook post, the temperature that day was 36 degrees Celsius, and she put the wok out in the sun at 1pm to heat up the cooking oil naturally.

Ten minutes later, she cracked an egg into the wok and checked on it every few minutes.

By 3.30pm, the egg was cooked and ready to eat. Some netizens were skeptical of the experiment, while others were excited to try it themselves.

Regardless of its authenticity, the eco-friendly cooking method was applauded for saving gas.

However, it did take two hours to cook the egg, so one netizen jokingly suggested cooking on the tar road next time. Fatasha agreed to try a second experiment using a black wok instead of a shiny, reflective one.