SEREMBAN: Rukun Tetangga activities in Negeri Sembilan recorded a decrease of 64.6 per cent to 606 activities from January to November, compared to 1,713 activities for the same period last year.

State National Unity and Integration Department director Salasiah Hashim said the decline was due to the threat of the Covid-19 pandemic, which resulted in programmes not being held as usual.

She said of the 606 activities, 37 of them involved sports, recreation (11), social (145), welfare (92), cultural (52), education (18), security (44), health and environment (119), economic (one), religion (75) and others (12).

“In 2019, a total of 1,713 activities were carried out by the community, namely sports 141 activities, recreation (38), social (504), welfare (48), cultural (16), education (144), security (107), health and environment ( 253), economic (24) and religion (438).

“There is no denying that the data in Negeri Sembilan in terms of neighbourhood activities has declined as people began to feel scared and traumatised to come out due to Covid-19.

“In previous years, the average number of activities carried out by the community is estimated at about 200 to 250 activities per month,” she said here, today.

She said this in a discourse titled ‘Perjuangan Mendepani Pandemik: Bersediakah Komuniti?’ (The Struggle Against the Pandemic: Is the Community Ready?) held online on Bridged Negaraku on Facebook today. -Bernama