Covid-19: List of fake news on social media - April 4

KUALA LUMPUR: Following is the Communications and Multimedia Ministry Quick Response Team’s rebuttal of fake news on the Covid-19 situation as detected by various authorities as at 9am today.

1. Health Ministry denies efficacy of tips like taking vitamins and certain foods, alkaline foods and hot drinks and standing under the sun to kill the Covid-19 virus.

2. National Cybersecurity Agency (Nacsa) warns that mobile application “Perdana Menteri Malaysia” claimed to provide information on Covid-19 relief aid is fake and contains malware.

3. The Malaysian Immigration Department denies claims that ïnsiders”or the “immigration boss” gave special treatment to a passenger of a local airline to get through Tawau Airport to return to the peninsula during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period.

- Bernama