KUALA LUMPUR: First day at school can be traumatic if the children are not ready for it.

Grabcar driver Faizol Izam Mohd Zain will make an effort to ensure that his eldest daughter is ready to start a crucial part of her life.

When Norshifa Edina reports for school at SK Jalan Bellamy tomorrow, her father would have prepped her up

“I am spending time with my daughter to explain to her about school, and how it is going to change things for us from tomorrow onwards,“ Faizol said.

“It is important to prepare children mentally for Primary One as it is something new to them.”

He will also make some last-minute purchases of school items for Norshifa to ensure she starts her school life on the right footing.

Mohd Amir Khusairi Harun, whose son will be in Primary Two at SK Putrajaya Presint 11 (2) Putrajaya, said school is vital for character building as well.

He said it is important for children to be physical fit and healthy when they go to school. He took his son jogging as pupils would be exposed to the elements in school.

“I believe a hard beginning with correct support will help to build a strong and adaptable person,“ said the father of Afza Mohd Amir Khusairi.

“Being fit and healthy will give him an edge in school. Not only will he learn discipline, but he will also have a high chance of performing well in sports.”

Cynthia Melanie, mother of Jordan Joseph who will attend school at SK Sri Petaling, says pre-school education did well to groom her son for primary school.

She added that being prepared spiritually to face a new phase is vital as it will serve to ease the child’s anxieties.

“A child’s spirituality is important as it indirectly builds confidence knowing that there is God by their side,” she said.

“That is why we are here at church to get Jordan blessed and celebrate. It also helps Jordan to relax and forget about how nerve-wrecking first day of school can be.”