PETALING JAYA: Thai authorities have launched a search operation for a young Malaysian lass who has been reported missing after her last known whereabouts in Chiang Rai.

The Bangkok Post reported Angie Chong Sum Yee, 22 had sent her very last pictures to her family taken on June 1, during a visit to Mae Sai town in Chiang Rai, which is close to the border of Myanmar’s Tachilek town.

According to Chong’s mother, her daughter had solo travelled to Thailand on May 29 and took many pictures of Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai, and had sent them to her before going missing.

Chee Choy Wen from Johor has not been able to contact her daughter and is now fearful that her daughter may have crossed into Tachilek, Myanmar and could possibly be in danger.

Her mother said the last picture of her daughter indicated that she was in Mae Sai, Chiang Rai, a border town opposite Myanmar’s Tachilek and said her daughter has been out of contact since sending the pictures from Mae Sai.

The post further reported that the Thai immigration and tourist police have contacted Myanmar officials at the Tachilek checkpoint.

Tachilek is reportedly known for its many large casinos and business complexes where many Thais happen to work.