Unexpected joyride of The Fall Guy

WHILE the film industry is cluttered with remakes and reboots, The Fall Guy emerges as a refreshing offering from Tinseltown, flipping from what could have been a forgettable cheesy romcom to an action-packed ride that is hard to forget. The film that had the potential to be just another flick on the romcom shelf has instead morphed into an adrenaline-pumping, laugh-out-loud joyride.

$!The movie is packed with action scenes.

Trust the process

The film’s tagline should be “Trust the Process” because The Fall Guy takes viewers on a whirlwind journey from initial scepticism to sheer exhilaration. At first, one might wonder why this movie even exists. A stuntman searching for a missing star to save his ex-girlfriend’s film? Sounds like a recipe for cinematic disaster, doesn’t it? But hold on to your seats because this film knows exactly what it is doing.

$!(From left) Seavers (Gosling) and Moreno (Blunt) meeting each other again after their break-up.

The transformation is nothing short of magical. As Colt Seavers, portrayed by the ever-charming Ryan Gosling navigates explosions, car chases and heartwarming (yet hilarious) attempts to win back his ex, played by Emily Blunt, viewers are taken on an unexpected emotional journey. It is like watching a caterpillar morph into a butterfly, but instead of wings, it sprouts rocket launchers and witty one-liners.

At its core, The Fall Guy is a love story. Not just the kind that makes the audience swoon and wish for a fairy-tale ending, but one that mirrors the messy, complicated nature of real-life relationships. Seaver’s pursuit of his former beau is not just about winning her back, it is about rediscovering himself and what he truly values. And to be honest, who has not felt like a stuntman in their own love life at some point?

$!The Fall Guy is an ode to professional stuntmen.

Stuntman’s love letter

One of the film’s standout features is its heartfelt tribute to the unsung heroes of the movie industry – stuntmen. The Fall Guy serves as a love letter to these brave souls, from death-defying stunts to the behind-the-scenes magic that brings action sequences to life. David Leitch, a real-life stuntman-turned-director, infuses the film with authenticity and respect for the craft, making it resonate deeper.

In the end, The Fall Guy is a cinematic rollercoaster that defies expectations at every turn. It is a film that demands to be rewatched, not just for its action-packed sequences or laugh-out-loud moments, but for its genuine heart and soul. Be prepared for a ride that will give you whiplash, in the best way possible. Trust the process, embrace the unexpected, and one might fall head over heels for The Fall Guy.

The Fall Guy will be in cinemas from May 2.

$!The Fall Guy will be in cinemas from May 2.

DIRECTOR: David Leitch

CAST: Ryan Gosling, Emily Blunt, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Hannah Waddingham, Winston Duke

E-VALUE: 7/10

PLOT: 6/10

ACTING: 8/10