FRUIT picking overseas is a well-known job especially in countries like New Zealand and Australia, especially since the job often earns more money thanks to the conversion rates.

A Malaysian who has been working at Tomato Glasshouse farm in New Zealand as a tomato picker shared her experiences working abroad on a video TikTok.

In the video, Kay breaks down her salary as a fruit picker.

She is getting paid at least 22.70 NZD (RM63.14) per hour she would be earning 1021.5NZD (RM2,841) working nine hours per day, five days a week.

After working for a month, she would be earning NZD4,086 (RM11,300), a five-figure salary that most of us simply dream of.

She explained that she has been working since February this year with her six months’ working holiday visa.

Netizens flooded the comment section with questions on how they could apply for the fruit picking job.

The video has since gone viral with 173K views.