NOWADAYS, plastic surgery is a widespread practice for many people to alter their appearance.

The Thaiger recently revealed that a drug boss in Thailand had undergone multiple operations throughout the year to alter his appearance to look more like a Korean man.

25-year-old Sarahat Sawangjaeng, also known as Jimin Cheong, was held in Bangkok’s Bang Na neighborhood in a condo. He acknowledged using the dark web to bring a significant amount of the drug MDMA from Europe into Thailand before selling it to the locals.

Within a jigsaw puzzle box on Nov 11, 2022, Thai customs agents discovered 2.575kg of the MDMA substance and 290 ecstasy tablets. The authorities traced the parcel to Sarahat Sawangjaeng.

A warrant for Sarahat’s arrest was then issued by the Criminal court when the police had gathered sufficient evidence. They searched for him, but they couldn’t find him.

The police subsequently adopted a different strategy and dispatched a spy into Sarahat’s inner circle. The drug boss was approached by the undercover police, who expressed interest in acting as a mule.

The 25-year-old agreed and placed another dark web order for additional pills for his new drug mule to sell in Bangkok. He also disclosed to the mule that although he is now in Bangkok and had ambitions to relocate to South Korea.

The spy even discovered that the drug boss was residing in a lavish home in the Bang Na neighbourhood, which resulted in Sarahat’s arrest on February 24.

He was detained on accusations of bringing MDMA, a Schedule 1 narcotic, into Thailand with the intent to distribute it.

Talk about a real-life Narcos, this was indeed an exciting journey. These officers deserve credit for their effective capture of this dangerous drug lord.