A WAR of words erupted between two motorists, following a move by one of them to reserve a parking spot by standing on the lot.

According to a Facebook post, following a video that has since gone viral, a woman had stood at a parking spot for 10 minutes without budging for anyone else, at Waterfont, in Desa Park City.

Another driver who filmed the video said she circled the parking space a few times.

“We couldn’t find a parking space after a few laps in Desa Park. I saw this woman on the first lap, standing in the parking space, she was still there,” she said.

“When we stopped the first time she said, ‘my friend is coming’. The second time round, she said ‘the people let me take this place’.”

After managing to find a parking space, the driver and her family tried to advise the woman that she should not reserve spots in a public car park.

“You can’t be so stubborn, you will be fined RM 2,000,“ said the driver, reffering to Section 50(3) of the Land Transport Act 1987.

That was when the woman lost her temper and started motioning aggressively at the driver’s mother.

She even told off the driver’s sister for speaking up. When the argument got heated, the driver’s family suggested to settle the matter in the police station.

Instead of calming down, the woman continued her barrage of insults.

“You didn’t study! The police don’t care about you,“ she yelled at the driver’s mother before leaving with her boyfriend towards a residential area of Desa Park.

After the incident, the driver praised the local security guards for trying to help by recording the whole conversation and informing the management.

Click on the link below to watch the video: https://bit.ly/359nBUK