A LOCAL woman shared her tear-jerking experience on social media of a stranger requesting a hug from her mother while they were out dining in a restaurant with other family members.

Wau Post reported that LinkedIn user Anis Ramli shared her story online on how while she was dining out with her family, a stranger slowly approached her mother and asked for a hug because of the sight of her enjoying her food.

“Auntie, I really enjoy seeing you eat. You really enjoy, ah,” the lady remarked.

“Ya, ya. The food was good. That’s why I enjoy it,” Anis’s mother replied

“Auntie, sorry, but can I hug you?,” the lady asked.

Upon hearing the prompt question, Anis’ mother was slightly taken aback but said yes and gave her a big however, the lady had suddenly burst sobbing while in her embrace.

The stranger then shared that her own mother was 93 years old and required tube feeding and told Anis’ mother how she was reminded of her mother as she used to enjoy food the same way.

“That’s why I enjoyed seeing you enjoying your food and eating. I remembered my mom,” the lady said in between sobs.

Anis’ post has gained popularity, with netizens commenting how they can relate to the lady’s experiences and a number of them commented that their loved ones have reached old age or had passed on already.

Netizens also praised her mother and the stranger for exhibiting the true Malaysian spirit of unity, transcending barriers of race and religion to comfort someone, as demonstrated in her mother’s understanding approach to the stranger.