IN the upcoming rom-com Cinderella at 2am, Shin Hyun-been and Moon Sang-min take the lead roles, promising audiences a fresh perspective on love and relationships.

Departing from conventional narratives, the drama centres around Yoon-seo (Shin), a pragmatic and independent woman who makes the bold decision to end her relationship with her affluent boyfriend. Moon portrays Joo-won, a character who challenges societal norms by believing that love transcends differences in social status.

As the story unfolds, viewers will witness the unconventional choice made by Yoon to accept money and break up with her boyfriend, juxtaposed with Joo’s unwavering determination to salvage their love. The dynamic between the two leads is expected to be unique, with both actors expressing their excitement for the project and their confidence in delivering a captivating romance.

Scheduled for release in the latter half of 2024, Cinderella at 2am is all set to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its engaging storyline and compelling characters.