Whether you do it annually, a few times a year or daily, detoxing is beneficial for overall wellbeing

Detoxing your self and life

We live in a time when getting a detox is necessary, what with the rise of environmental pollution and our generally unhealthy modern-day diet and lifestyle. Still, as more than just physical beings, we should also consider the toxins we accumulate on the mental and emotional levels. These are important aspects of our lives, yet often neglected when we want to detox. This applies to our personal environment too, which has direct impact on us in terms of our energy level, productivity and peace of mind, and could use a clean up.

Why detox?

Detoxification is actually a natural metabolic process that takes place in the human body, which is responsible for getting rid of toxins through organs like the liver and kidneys. Essentially, it segregates whatever we consume, inhale or apply, into essential nutrients to be absorbed by the body and toxins to be excreted. At its optimal level, it facilitates a healthy flow within the body by maintaining the balance between our intake and output.

With the increase of toxins in our environment, food and products however, the burden on our detox system is unparalleled. Consider our diet, which was once upon a time of mostly simple, natural foods, and consumed three times a day. Today, it consists of highly processed foods that are saturated with fats. We are also eating more often now (sometimes five to six times a day) and not allowing enough time for food to be processed in between meals. As a result, food is left undigested in the body, which leads to a whole spectrum of health problems from obesity, diabetes, heart problem to arthritis. In Ayurvedic medicine, foods that are left unabsorbed forms into ama (toxins) and is considered the root of all disease.

If we consider the other aspects of humans, mental or emotional, the same principle actually applies. When there is no balance between intake and output, we accumulate unnecessary thoughts and emotions that disrupt the flow we need for our wellbeing and growth.

Four levels of toxins

We are exposed to toxins everyday. We don’t only collect environmental and dietary toxins but also toxins on other levels:

> Physical: From the environment, highly processed or genetically modified foods and household or personal products that contain potentially dangerous chemicals.

> Mental: From a negative-fueled environment or companions. But more importantly from our own mind, especially when it is fear-based and inclined towards negative self-talk, being overly critical and in a habit of blaming and shaming.

> Emotional: From holding on to past events that have scarred us and negative emotions like anger and sadness, holding grudges and staying in toxic relationships.

> Environment: From clutter and unhygienic personal space.

Knowing where to start

Not everyone should focus their detox on a physical level. Depending on the individual, there may be one particular aspect that requires more attention. The area that stands out in your life, deserves priority and should be your starting point. The great news is because of the holistic nature of our mind and body, when we detox any level - physical, mental, emotional or our personal environment, we benefit the entire system and future wellbeing.

Ways to detox

1. De-clutter your personal space

Our personal environment plays an important role in keeping us free from stress and our energy up. When our space is dominated by clutter, it is not only a source of stress but also symbolises stagnant energy. Whatever that is not being used or kept, even though it has no purpose, disrupts the proper flow of energy. Try to make de-cluttering a habit you practice once in four months or at least once a year. Everything that doesn’t have a purpose, is beyond repair or you have more than one of should be discarded or given away.

2. Experience and examine your emotions

Carrying hurt, pain and suffering from old wounds limit us and can attract much of the same into our lives and not allow the growth we need to experience a fulfilling life. It also indicates stagnant energy and can transform us into a hard, unapproachable or depressed person. Ideally emotions need to be experienced, processed and resolved. Meaning, if something happens to you that makes you feel sad, it is important to acknowledge the sadness and allow yourself to feel it. Then, see how you’ve contributed to the situation, how you can work on improving yourself or the situation, and take action. It is better to let emotions flow than suppress and accumulate it.

3. Detox toxins

There are many methods to detox. Chances are you’ve heard of everything from detox juices, special teas to detox programmes that claim to do the job. But it likely doesn’t do deep-level detoxing.

In the over 3,000 year system of Ayurvedic medicine, detox is one of the most common methods of removing toxins from the body. Known as panchakarma, it translates to “five techniques”, which is used to remove toxins from the body. The customarily one to two week programmes involve daily massages, fasting and finally excretion of the toxins through purging, vomitting, blood letting, enema or nasally. This method is said to be very effective in reversing the path of diseases, for rejuvenation, anti-aging and managing all kinds of diseases.

While an annual physical detox is recommended for everyone, the people who will benefit the most are those who are unable to practise a healthy diet and lifestyle. They are likely overweight, lacking in energy, experience physical aches and pains and lead a sedentary lifestyle and need help to eliminate toxins they’ve accumulated that may have serious repercussions in the future.

4. Mind your mind

Our mind has the potential to hold us back or let us soar. When it is running on a self-limiting belief system, which shapes the way you see yourself and the world around you and how you think, it calls for an honest review, release and reprogramme. Recurring thoughts like “I am not good enough or smart enough” can make it difficult for us to change and allow for new possibilities in our lives. These beliefs also encourage us to be judgmental and own a black and white perspective when we should be more flexible and accommodating. One of the best methods to stop our mind is to observe the thoughts rather than attaching ourselves to it and becoming the thought itself. Once you train your mind to do this, there is room between yourself and thought. The power is now in your hands, to stop the thought, release it and replace it with a new belief. If detached observation doesn’t suit you, there are many other ways to clear your mind, like talking to someone, journaling, meditation and deep breathing. Just remember to release and reprogramme.

5. Review your relationships

Not all our relationships are good for us. If you are involved in toxic relationships or friendships, it can be quite draining. While it is normal to want to have great relationships with everyone, we also need to be more loving to ourselves and severe relationships that are not allowing us to grow or that belittle us. If you still want to keep the friendship or relationship, talk to another person and share your feelings. If the friendship is worth saving, you will know by how the other person responds to your needs. Also, it is important not to overextend yourself in your friendships or relationships for example, if you’re feeling exhausted and just need rest, take a day to yourself. Your friends or partner will understand.

6. Clear digital clutter

Besides physical mess, we can accumulate digital clutter as well. Whether it is your overstuffed inbox, documents stored haphazardly on your desktop or countless newsletter subscriptions, schedule a couple of hours on your calendar to look into reducing emails, organising documents and unsubscribing from newsletters that do not serve you anymore.

Making detox a regular practice

While a detox is commonly recommended a few times to once a year, it is possible to make it a part of your life. Here’s how:

1. Exercise.

2. Try to have more simpler and natural foods that would not be a burden to your system.

3. Journal.

4. Make it a point to clear your inbox regularly.

5. Put away things at the end of the day.

6. Talk to your friends regularly, share your feelings and be open to feedback.

7. Spend time with yourself to reflect or acknowledge and address whatever that is troubling you.